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Game Design Document

A game design document for a game titled "Vengeance," a hitman-style game where the player is tasked with taking out high-value targets with many different gameplay options, combined with RPG elements.


​This game is a dynamic stealth action game in which the goal of the player is to infiltrate strongholds, castles, dungeons, or bases and kill or capture high value targets.The player can go about this in whatever way they please. They will choose a starting class from a few different starting classes and can customize the starting stats of their character, along with the starting gear. The character will level up throughout the game, allowing the player to customize and tailor their play-style further. They can choose to be a stealthy rogue-like character, sneaking around and stealthily taking out each target without being detected. They could play as an upfront, warrior style character, breaking down doors and going in without any stealth whatsoever, killing all who stand in their way and striking fear into the enemy. The player may choose to take advantage of magical spells and use these to destroy, disguise, beguile, or sneak their way to victory. They can use a combination of these styles, placing stat points in many different areas and being a jack-of-all-trades instead of a master of one. This is the core principle behind the game.

Vengeance: Text

Game Map

This is the full map of the game, which takes place on this island continent.

Vengeance: Image

Sections of Document

Vengeance: Gallery
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